by Lucy Siegle (below), 2011
I am not really an environmentalist - mental maybe, but not really environ-mental.
But this was totally eye opening - a fascinating read.
For anyone interested in the environment OR fashion - a MUST read.
Will it change my buying habits? probably not immediately, but I have already started asking retailers about the origins & the nature of the production process in their offerings.
Easy to read, with well organised chapters & sub headings
Lucy covers every angle within the fashion industry -
*The rise of fast fashion & the discounters
*Impact of the recession
*A day in the life of a garment worker in the 3rd world
*The window dressing in sweatshop operations
*Luxury goods - "cheapskating" - the art of blending a luxury "It" item with many low cost items
*The low cost items are out of control - you wear 20% of your wardrobe 80% of the time
*The footprint - water, carbon, energy, toxic dyehouses, respiratory disease with silica from sandblasting jeans, pesticides, digestive and kidney disorder with cotton production, sheep mulesing
*Cheap cashmere
*Exotics - collecting crocodile skins & farming, Botox injected in python for plumpness, fur - by product or main product?
* Leather - toxic tanneries, impact on the Amazon,
*Discarded fashion - sorting of waste for the 3rd world, land fill, inbuilt wastage in the manufacture process
*Alternatives - hemp, nettle knits, tree bark, peace silk, crab shells, salmon skin, milk fibre
*Washing, mending, sewing
Harper Collins, 2011
ISBN: 978 0 00 726409 4
318 pages
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