Wednesday, July 27, 2016

There are Nina Proudman clothes EVERYWHERE!

SIA did a quick lap in Zara & came up with the following loot for Nina (or Billie or Zara).... 
Current Zara

Scotch & Soda (Myer) - Nina style
Current Zara - the bomber is Billie style

Current Zara but more Billie style

current Zara - these colours are too harsh
for Nina's complexion
but in softer colours, this is Nina style

current Zara - front

current Zara - back

current Zara - definitely Billie style

current Zara - I see Billie wearing this

current Zara - the bomber is Billie style

current Zara - a Billie frock

current Zara - Nina, perhaps Zara style

current Zara - Zara style

current Zara - Nina style

current Zara - Nina style

current Zara - Nina style

current Zara - Nina style

current Zara lace bell bottoms - Billie style

current Zara - Nina style

current Zara - perhaps Zara style?

current Zara - Nina style

current Zara - Nina style

Please dont forget:

1. If you dont have Nina's height, body shape & colouring, you may look scarily different to her if you are hunting down her wardrobe pieces.

2. There are MANY more sources of Nina STYLE than just the clothes on the show. 

3. Alof of the actual items on the show are now not available anyway.

4. You'll feel better (& look more confident) if you do your interpretation of Nina style rather than just wear what's show on the show.  

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